
It’s a funny thing what the mind will bring up in the middle of the night for no apparent reason other than to remind you of wonder you had as a child. As children we played in castles made of bushes and boxes, flew to the moon on our bikes and simply let our spirits soar. Things that today as adults we ignore as being silly were just a part of our daily life.
So tonight I woke to remember one of the most amazing things that occurred in my childhood. Was it talking to fairies or Angels ….NO although I did do that as well.

As many of you know my parents were missionary’s on several reservations, oftentimes in places with no electricity or running water. To us the big excitement was when we got a missionary box in the mail because that meant new clothes, books and sometimes even some toys.
The thing that was amazing was inside in this particular box, it was full of records and a new record player made out of a piece of cardboard.
OMG! We were imqdefault2n Haven. So what you did was put the record on the box and bend the part with the needle over top and place it on the record and use a pencil to keep it turning. It was such a simple thing, but to us it was the world, we had music sweet, sweet music.
Who could have been so smart to think that cardboard could be so useful.

Of course as kids often do we would fight over whose turn it was to use the pencil to turn the record or complain that they were not pushing the record right or fast enough etc. … etc. It was truly a very special gift as so appreciated. We did not know why we received this special gift nor did we ever see the person who gave it to us, it was ours and so we used it and let it brings us joy.

Spirit is a lot like this we don’t see it and we don’t always know why we are given a particular gift whether it’s the gift of music, writing, or even speaking to animals. It is a gift the is given to us out of love and or job it to use it and let it bring joy to our lives and the lives of others.

Each of us is special and our gifts are unique unto ourselves, no two people see the same, feel the same or express in the same way. We are all gifted and as long as we let the gifts we receive from spirit bring us the joy and love that they were was meant to. Then we can live in a world of child like magic were miracles occur in every minute as we were intended too.

Thank you Spirit for this memory and the blessings you send my way.
Duane RedWolf Miles

This entry was posted in Memories.