spirit card

The other day as I was doing my morning cruse through Facebook to see if anything of merit had been posted, I read 2 articles that kind of set me off.
The first was about the coming transition into the 5(6)7)8) or whatever dimension you may be moving to and how Empaths would help the process by experiencing the suffering for other’s. The Second was 11 crazy thing spiritual people do.
So I just thought I would share my thoughts on both since I am and Empath and also a Spiritual minded person and of course also a bit crazy I guess.


So let’s tackle the issue of the importance of Empaths and the coming shifts into the other dimensions. Let me start by saying yes it is true that Empaths can feel the pain and emotions of others and because of that constant bombardment they often feel as though they suffer greatly. If you think of the fact the Empaths bodies are genetically wired to be like giant radio receivers for the feeling of others, and couple that with our inherent need to help others often overlooking our own needs. I basically think of us (Empaths) as portable bio processing plants. So yes I do agree that Empaths have an important part to play in the coming shifts, but suffering is not one of them.


Our true purpose it to act as a catalyst and allow others to process and let go of past pains, hurts and frustration at a faster rate so that the consciousness and vibration can raise to its next level.

In order for us to do this we first must learn to recognize and acknowledge what is ours and what is others.

Secondly we have to let the emotion and pain flow through our bodies.

Thirdly we have to understand why it is there and let our inherent nature which one of love, clear the energy, so that it does not return. Sounds so simple right? It can take years of practice, solitude, self-awareness and desire to learn to let this happen.

So the big Question is do we have to suffer to do this?

I Say no, but it does take the time and courage to face who you are and then to let the blessing of that, become a gift, that can help others and the world.

So that being said I still don’t like the overpowering experience of crowds, hospitals, and concerts and yet more and more I am drawn to people who need help to let go of things that are keeping them from moving ahead. They always find me when it is time, and it will always be that way. I take a hike and they appear , I shop and they appear, I go to work and they appear. I stopped asking why long ago now I just smile and ask how can I help you.

Now to address the 11 crazy things Spiritual minded people do. While I have to admit that yes I have laid in bed with crystals on my body and also an ice pack on my head, I am not sure that doing so is crazy. The thing that amused me most in the article was the part that we talk to God, angels, and spirit guide as if we were best friends. Hmmm!!  I sure would not want to talk to them like we were  enemies. I tend to talk to everything like we were friends , rocks, plants, animals and even passing humans. My point is that if as science now tells us we are all connected and everything is a part of the whole of the universe, then we are all family.

It may seem crazy to some but truthfully I enjoy the conversation with my angels and they have saved my life more than once so I have learned to trust them. I suggest that anyone who hasn’t tried it should, it will change your life forever, and as far as talking to God goes I have always been on a first name basic there, as I believe everyone should be.

In closing, just be who you are, and if you get lost ask for help it may show in an odd way, but  I assure you it will show up.
Hugs Duane Redwolf Miles

This entry was posted in Rants.