Activation Series ~ Activation 9

~Activation Series ~

~Activation 9~ Healing Grief~


This Activation was created because of a conversation I had with my friend Kaayla Fox, about a new crop circle elixir she had created that she discovered had the effect of working with the aspects of grief. I will do a separate posting about this later.
LightCircles©Vibrational Elixirs


~Healing Grief~

Like fear grief can be a very limiting and controlling factor in our lives, it can hold us back is some of the most subtle ways. If this card speaks to you its time to look back and let go of all the fears, losses, and times of disappointment. We are creatures of creation and like all creative forces  things grow and change form. So  let the frequencies of creation uplift your grief, and gently restore the joy of  life.

This entry was posted in Activation Series, free downloads.